Wednesday 29 January 2014


A couple of weeks ago I had an early morning shoot with a good friend of mine, Sarah. 
Sarah likes the ocean, coffee and all things hippie, but she does not like early mornings.
So I made her meet me at the beach at 5.30 on a windy and cold morning so that I could take photos of her. Not just photos at the beach, but photos actually in the ocean.... in a beautiful silk skirt, at 5.30am. She was such a good sport, and as soon as we were finished I made sure I put an extra large flat white in her hand ASAP.
I myself am an early morning person, so for a couple of weeks I had been down at the beach early, planning this shoot and checking out the sunrise. When I came around to thinking who I would like to be my model, I knew it had to be Sarah. Sarah is very much a Mother of the Earth kind of girl, she knows exactly what she believes in, what is important to her and who she is, and that just radiates off her. Plus she has the biggest, most soulful blue eyes.
I shot these photos on my Canon 5D MKIII with my 50mm 1.4 lens, which is just such a beautiful lens to shoot with. I have recently re-discovered how much I love this lens, and so it has been my lens of choice recently. 
 I hope you enjoy the photos, a big thank you to the beautiful Sarah for helping me out with this.
Paris x